• Fall Maintenance

    Spent some of my vacation time fiddling with the backend tech that I use to organize the digital bits of my life (the foundation of my personal technology stack as it were).

    • Resized my $10/month Linode down to a $5/month instance.
    • Migrated my personal website from WordPress to Ghost because staying on top of the WordPress upgrades was tedious and I wanted to try something different.  In fact, most of this maintenance was precipitated by my son’s WordPress instance getting hacked on my Linode on account of running old wordpress plugins, forcing me to do all sorts of restoration and reconsidering.
    • Moved my bookmark manager (Shaarli) from my old host to my new server.
    • Moved from Apache to Nginx.
    • Got Navidrome up and running on a headless NUC. This, I’ll note got really complicated as I could not for the life of me get my external USB SSD drive to mount in anything but read-only mode which meant I couldn’t add any new FLAC Matrix recordings to it. I finally gave up, reformatted to EXT4 and restored a backup of all my media files to the (now-writeable) USB drive. What a hassle. Everything I remember not liking about futzing with Linux. But now that it’s done, I’ll forget about the frustration until next time.
    • Modified a Python script to apply metadata to Hunter’s Trix FLACs and copy them over to my external drive.  This was a fun programming project. It’s been so long since I focused on solving a problem using Python. I wish I could say the syntax came back to me easily but that’s what google is for. Though it now occurs to me that as I try to add some new features to the the script I may try ChatGPT as a helper. I will clean this script up and share it once I get it dialed in.

  • April, 2022 Top Tracks Playlist

    Really late on this.


    Here’s a playlist of my top tracks from April, 2022 on Last.FM and on Apple Music.

    Still really enjoying The Cactus Blossoms. Work has been busy and so meeting-filled that I’m barely listening to any music during the day. This has been true for April and May. So, listening habits are changing a bit. Fiddling with my Marvis settings again to surface more new cuts.

  • Non-elitist daily transportation

    From Grant’s (Petersen, of Rivendell) latest post. He’s one of my favorite bike-people:

    We are locked into steel, locked out of suspension and disc brakes, are increasingly suspect of racing’s influence, and we “value,” I guess is the closest word I can think of, bicycles as non-elitist daily transportation, and yet we still make them as beautiful‑by our standards—as we can. Some people see inconsistency there. Expensive, finely crafted bikes for daily use. I can’t help that. There are people out there who are threatened by that. Because, I’ve been scolded and called a hypocrite for it

  • Music from the show High Maintenance

    I’ve watched every season of High Maintenance a few times. We’ve been watching them again lately when we need a short show to watch in the evenings and this time around I’m deeply focussed not the soundtrack for each episode.

    I’ve always been aware of the music in the show (it’s amazing, here’s some background from pitchfork) but this time around, moreso.

    Anyway, here a couple of playlists that capture the show’s soundtrack:

    Spotify – High Maintenance

    Apple Music – High Maintenance

    Also, here’s a good interview with Ben Sinclair about some of his current listens from a few years ago.

  • Huddled with the nihilists

    This great take on Twitter/Musk from Robin Sloan via the always excellent Michael Sacasas:

    The amount that Twitter omits is breathtaking; more than any other social platform, it is indifferent to huge swaths of human experience and endeavor. I invite you to imagine this omitted content as a vast, bustling city. Scratching at your timeline, you are huddled in a single small tavern with the journalists, the nihilists, and the chaotic neutrals.

    I keep thinking about all the hand-wringing about Twitter and can’t help but feel like, well, who cares? The twitterverse, I think, to some degree takes itself way too seriously. There is, as Sloan writes, so much more than Twitter. There is so much more to being online than twitter and so much more to the world than being online.

  • Austin


    Visited Austin. Learned some tips on smoking brisket from the pit master at Terry Black’s. Saw some great live music. Didn’t take nearly as many good pictures as I would have liked. Still, great trip.

  • Habit and Repetition

    Still coming back to this excellent essay by Meghan O’Gieblyn from Harper’s Magazine:

    Is it possible in our age of advanced technology to recall the spiritual dimension of repetition? Or has it been conclusively subsumed into the deadening drumbeat of modern life?

  • Find and replace local versions of Apple Music files in a playlist

    I have a bunch of playlists that I’ve crafted over the years and when I moved to Apple Music I was disappointed to see my local library copies of those files replaced with Apple Music’s versions. It seemed to be totally arbitrary and, importantly, the play count, rating, etc. was different on my local library copies then it was on the Apple Music versions of those songs.


    In the above, I know that I have a copy of Can’t get There from Here in my local library, so not sure why the Apple Music one was substituted in my playlist. Anyway, I want my local version in there so I can track stats, etc.

    I poked around the venerable Doug’s Scripts for a while but couldn’t quite find what I needed so I wrote this script which:

    • Select/start playing a song in the playlist you want to work with
    • Creates a new playlist called “$playlistname Local Files.”
    • Checks each song in the active playlist to see if it’s local or Apple Music
    • If it’s not Apple Music, it just adds it to the Local Files version of the playlist
    • If it is Apple Music, it checks to see if there is a song in your library with the same Artist and Song name
    • It then copies the tracks that result from that search to the Local Files version of the playlist
    • If it can’t find a local copy, it adds the Apple Music version to the “Local Files” copy of the playlist

    The search is really loose so it will find multiple local copies if you have them which is a bit of a pain in the butt. SO you need to go to the new playlist and remove the local versions (live! Remix!, etc.) from the playlist.

    I’ve run this on a few big playlists with ~1000 songs and it runs just fine. It might be helpful for a few folks so I’m putting it up here but that said, I wouldn’t download and run this unless you know what the code is doing.

  • March, 2022 Top Tracks Playlist

    Apple Music Playlist March Top Tracks

    My top tracks for March, 2022. You can listen to this playlist on Apple Music or on Last.fm.

    Last.fm’s is much more comprehensive for some reason. The service has seemed very flakey the past few weeks and I can’t find an alternative method for tracking so have to live with it just being janky I guess.

    I have been really loving the song Doers by Bodega. Definitely one of my favorite tracks for the month.


  • Readwise daily email

    I enjoy when my daily email from readwise offers up two seemingly independent quotes/extracts that inform each other simply by their proximity to each other in the email thread. Today’s:


    Race After Technology by Benjamin, Ruha

    Hashtags like #CancelRoseanne operate like a virtual public square in which response to racial insults are offered and debated. Memes, too, are an effective tool for dragging racism. (Location 676)

    The Convivial Society, No. 5 by theconvivialsociety.substack.com

    Kierkegaard saw that the public sphere was destined to become a detached world in which everyone had an opinion about and commented on all public matters without needing any first-hand experience and without having or wanting any responsibility.” Perhaps that very last line holds an important clue. Perhaps action demands responsibility and that is precisely what we are unwilling to take.

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Reading Notes

  • Unable, then, to see the world because I have forgotten the way of being in the world that enables vision in the deepest sense, I […]
  • Suppose Bob writes an email to Sue, who has no existing business relationship with Bob, asking her to draw a picture of a polar bear […]
  • The large majority of the world’s decaffeination still happens through chemical-based processes that use things like methylene chloride or ethyl acetate. I don’t know what […]
  • All the forces at play within us and without seem to be centrifugal forces, pulling us apart. I remain interested in understanding the nature of […]
  • FWIW, my Emacs of the moment is emacs-plus@29 installed by Homebrew: brew install emacs-plus@29 –with-mailutils –with-xwidgets \ –with-imagemagick –with-native-comp Source: Browsing in Emacs – Volume […]

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