I have been a heavy user of Readwise for several years now and finally got around to writing a Python script to pull in my reading notes and highlights from what I’m reading. You can see them below, updated daily.
In the very early days of blogging, I used to regularly write longish posts about books I read. Now, for better or worse, I’m reading more articles and fewer books and my posts about them tend to be much shorter.
Read: Vision Con
Unable, then, to see the world because I have forgotten the way of being in the world that enables vision in the deepest sense, I can then be convinced of the superiority of virtual worlds.³ Increasingly…
Read: I Made This
Suppose Bob writes an email to Sue, who has no existing business relationship with Bob, asking her to draw a picture of a polar bear wearing a cowboy hat while riding a bicycle. If Sue draws…
Read: Is It Time to Shake Up Your Coffee Routine?
The large majority of the world’s decaffeination still happens through chemical-based processes that use things like methylene chloride or ethyl acetate. I don’t know what those are but it doesn’t sound like I want it in…
Read: The Thing That Is Silence
All the forces at play within us and without seem to be centrifugal forces, pulling us apart. I remain interested in understanding the nature of these forces. The critical conversation remains important. But I’m increasingly interested…
Read: Browsing in Emacs
FWIW, my Emacs of the moment is emacs-plus@29 installed by Homebrew: brew install emacs-plus@29 –with-mailutils –with-xwidgets \ –with-imagemagick –with-native-comp Source: Browsing in Emacs – Volume 8
Read: Own Your Web – Issue 7: What Is It For?
![](https://jetpack.com/redirect/?source=sigenerate&query=t%3DeyJpbWciOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY2hyaXNjb3lpZXIubmV0XC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDI0XC8wMVwvY0hKcGRtRjBaUzlzY2k5cGJXRm5aWE12ZDJWaWMybDBaUzh5TURJeUxUQTFMMlpzTXpFeU1UVTRPRE13T0RFdGFXMWhaMlV1YW5Cbi0xMDI0eDY4My5qcGciLCJ0eHQiOiJ5b3UnbGwganVzdCBjYXJlIG1vcmUgaWYgaXRzIHlvdXIgdGhpbmciLCJ0ZW1wbGF0ZSI6ImZ1bGxzY3JlZW4iLCJibG9nX2lkIjo3NDA3NDI0OH0.WNG9NhzVQsHLFONG5MU8TEcqBUInUj7kZkUJPpR9s7YMQ) Source: Own Your Web – Issue 7: What Is It For? – Matthias Ott
Read: Own Your Web – Issue 7: What Is It For?
![](https://jetpack.com/redirect/?source=sigenerate&query=t%3DeyJpbWciOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY2hyaXNjb3lpZXIubmV0XC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDI0XC8wMVwvY0hKcGRtRjBaUzlzY2k5cGJXRm5aWE12ZDJWaWMybDBaUzh5TURJeUxUQTFMMlpzTXpFeU1UVTRPRE13T0RFdGFXMWhaMlV1YW5Cbi0xMDI0eDY4My5qcGciLCJ0eHQiOiJ5b3UnbGwganVzdCBjYXJlIG1vcmUgaWYgaXRzIHlvdXIgdGhpbmciLCJ0ZW1wbGF0ZSI6ImZ1bGxzY3JlZW4iLCJibG9nX2lkIjo3NDA3NDI0OH0.WNG9NhzVQsHLFONG5MU8TEcqBUInUj7kZkUJPpR9s7YMQ) Source: Own Your Web – Issue 7: What Is It For? – Matthias Ott
Read: Kierkegaard’s Three Ways to Live More Fully
For some, this is the “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” stage. But even if you aren’t someone who’s into a libertine lifestyle, “the aesthetic” might encompass a more innocent sort of experience—a hobby such as…
Read: MacStories Weekly: Issue 400
pretty well, and while the widget doesn’t do much, I’ve found that having it in the Today View makes Source: MacStories Weekly: Issue 400 – Club MacStories
Read: The Wisdom of Daybreak
So much of the way we carry on each day, empowered by our technological array, encourages us to presume an extraordinary degree of control and power over the world. [Warning: sweeping claim incoming.] Indeed, the project…