Read: Curation Is the Last Best Hope of Intelligent Discourse.

The role of human curators is not just to select and present content but to imbue the digital landscape with a sense of reliability and authenticity that only human insight can provide. In an age where technology can easily mislead or overwhelm, trusting in human curation becomes not a preference but a necessity for preserving the quality of the information that shapes our understanding of the world.
This all boils down to one thing. Human curation is now more critical than ever. As algorithms churn out vast quantities of information with varying degrees of accuracy and quality, the discerning judgment of human curators is the only defence against the tide of misinformation and mediocrity
The AI glut significantly exacerbates the issue of misinformation and low-quality content.

Source: Curation Is the Last Best Hope of Intelligent Discourse. – Joan Westenberg

