Category: SystemAdmin

  • HomeAssistant Logs

    Here’s a quick one-liner to tail -f home assistant logs from a docker image. I’m sure there are better ways to do this but I got tired of typing a bunch of commands so finally figured out this one liner to save: Assumes your homeassistant docker image is called ‘homeassistant’ then add this to .bashrc

  • Update Moode Library w/ cron

    To schedule the moOde library update to happen every night, you can use a cron job with the ‘mpc update’ command. Here’s how to set it up: This cron job will run the ‘mpc update’ command at 00:00 (midnight) every day, which will update the moOde library[2]. Replace with the directory you want to update[2].…

  • Tailscale, iOS, self-hosting and Home Assistant

    It feels like magic to have no open ports on my router and still be able to access all of myself hosted services. Jotting down a few notes here on how I approached this. First off, my primary server that I self-host all of my services on is always running a VPN so I don’t…

  • Mac admin utilities

    Grabbed this list off a reddit discussion, some good ones that I’d forgotten: Also on: website

  • Nextcloud for bands

    Playing in a band generates all sorts of files that you want to share with your band mates, from live show recordings, videos, promo materials, charts, etc. Some of us were getting tired of shelling out the money to Dropbox to accommodate this sharing. So, this past weekend I spun up a self hosted Nextcloud…

  • Nginx, WordPress & ActivityPub

    I have been deep in the terminal these past few weeks whenever I get a moment or two of free time. We have had a lot of rain recently, resulting in way more free time than usual. This allowed me to sort out a bunch of issues on my new $5/month linode. I didn’t love…