Search results for: “readwise”
Readwise daily email
I enjoy when my daily email from readwise offers up two seemingly independent quotes/extracts that inform each other simply by their proximity to each other in the email thread. Today’s: Race After Technology by Benjamin, Ruha Hashtags like #CancelRoseanne operate like a virtual public square in which response to racial insults are offered and…
Readwise feedback and remembering what you’ve read
The value of reading is proportional to the ability to remember what you have read. Reading is a richer experience when you are reading through a lens informed by the context of everything you’ve read and experience before. Indeed, how much richer is daily life when you can call on a piece of verse or…
Personal Density and Journaling in Day One
On how journaling impacts self and temporal rootedness and its disorienting yet grounding effect on understanding personal growth and the passage of time.
Personal Stack
Last updated 2023-10-31 I have been working with ChatGPT to identify ways to get these apps to work together better and to help me refine my workflows a bit to keep things buttoned up. This effort has been somewhat successful. Most of what is below is generated by ChatGPT. Things 3 (Personal) Apple Calendar Apple…
I am a middling programmer on my best day, but I do posses one of the more important traits that Larry Wall says is required of a good programmer: laziness. So with that in mind, over the years I’ve written a lot of Bash shell scripts, python scripts, and Apple Shortcuts to try to save…
Reading Notes
I have been a heavy user of Readwise for several years now and finally got around to writing a Python script to pull in my reading notes and highlights from what I’m reading. You can see them below, updated daily. In the very early days of blogging, I used to regularly write longish posts about…
Deciding Between Shaarli and Reader: A Personal Taxonomy Approach
Following several weeks of digital housekeeping, I’m determined to do a better job about being consistent about where I’m storing links, online articles, resources and various “read later” type stuff. My tools of choice are Readwise Reader and Shaarli. I’ve been pretty lax about what goes where so I spent some time thinking about how…
Getting better at tracking listening
I use this service called readwise that helps me remember what I read. I’ve posted about it before. Anyway, it occurs to me that I really need something similar for my listening. Like, what artists have I recently followed in Spotify or tracks I’ve dug Apple Music, etc. I think there’s probably some way to…
Long Form Article Reading on Kindle, Improved
Over the past year I’ve been using a service called to surface highlights from books I read on my Kindle and from articles I read on my iPad using Instapaper. The service has its flaws but all in all has been useful to me in helping me to remember what I’ve read and found…