Search results for: “"day one"”

  • Personal Density and Journaling in Day One

    On how journaling impacts self and temporal rootedness and its disorienting yet grounding effect on understanding personal growth and the passage of time.

  • dowpy – WordPress Posts to Day One

    Dowpy grabs the ATOM feed of my website and pulls in new entries into a Day One Journal called, surprise, “Wordpress Entries.”

  • Bulk import WordPress posts into Day One

    This export/import process requires bouncing back and forth between the Desktop and iOS versions of Day One as the import/export feature set is very different for each version and you’ll need to leverage both feature sets.

  • Day One and iOS/Mac Shortcuts Parity

    One of the most popular Shortcuts I’ve written is my “Logging to Day One” shortcut that allows you to keep a timestamped list of items to a single day’s journal entry throughout the day. I wrote a post about it two years ago, you can read more about it here. I updated the post today…

  • Log/Append a photo to a Day One entry

    Someone posted a question about how to do this on the Day One Community site so I thought I’d build up a little iOS shortcut that: – checks to see if you have an entry for today, if not it creates a blank one and then prompts you to choose a photo, resizes that photo…

  • Logging throughout the day with Day One and iOS shortcuts

    [updated on Jan 27, 2022] Spending some time on the Day One community page on Facebook it seems like for those who journal multiple times per day–adding notes, thoughts, activities throughout the day–there are two schools of thought for capturing throughout the day: Create a new entry in Day One for each of the day’s multiple…

  • AppleScript for Day One braindump to Things

    Highlighting the truly first-world problem of Mac automation being totally different from iOS automation, I wrote up a simple AppleScript that mirrors the functionality of my iOS shortcut that takes my brain dump list out of Day One and “intelligently” transfers it to Things. When I write my morning entry in my Day One journal…

  • Amazon Order History to Markdown table in Day One

    Back in the spring I wrote an automator action that incorporated some Python code to take a downloaded Amazon Order History file and massage it into a nice Markdown table and creates a Day One entry. A few months back though the Day One command line tool stopped working and that broke this action. But…

  • Shortcut: Day One braindump to Things

    I use Day One as a journal almost every day. Most mornings start with me doing a bit of a brain dump into Day One, listing anything that’s on my radar that I need to deal with. So I wrote a shortcut to help me deal with those brain dumps a bit better. This shortcut:…

  • Time-stamped log entry in Day One

    I don’t typically create multiple entries for a given date in Day One. Rather, I just use Markdown and add bullets as things occur throughout the day, usually with a time stamp. e.g.: – 8:20AM: made requested modifications to Joe’s SQL query This is pretty basic stuff here but I wish that there was some…